Hi everybody

I work with ubuntu 5.10 and bacula 1.36.3 and i have a problem

When i run bacula with new tape, it runs good.
First : Bacula runs a job and write data on tape 1
Second : Bacula runs a job and write data on tape 2
Finally : When i want bacula run a job and write data on tape 1 again i have
an error  :

23-May 11:14 ubuntu-sd: Deuxieme.2006-05-23_11.12.37 Error: I canot write on
Volume "deuxx" because:
The number of files mismatch! Volume=0 Catalog=2
23-May 11:14 ubuntu-sd: Marking Volume "deuxx" in Error in Catalog.
23-May 11:14 ubuntu-sd: Job Deuxieme.2006-05-23_11.12.37 waiting. Cannot
find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
    Storage:      HPloader
    Media type:   DDS-4
    Pool:         Deux

If i want to write again on the tape 1, i must prune it and mount

My bacula-sd.conf is :

Device {
 Name = HPloader
 Media Type = DDS-4
 Changer Device = /dev/sg0      
 Archive Device = /dev/nst0
 Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
 AutomaticMount = yes;              
 AlwaysOpen = yes;
 Label media = yes;
 RemovableMedia = yes;
 RandomAccess = no;
 AutoChanger = yes;
 Hardware End of Medium = no;
 Fast Forward Space File = no ;
  Backward Space record = no ;
  Backward Space file = no ;
  Forward Space Record=no ;
  Forward Space File = no ;

I think my configuration file is wrong but i don't know where.
Can someone help me ?

Best regards
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