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Did you ever do the 'btape' tests that are discussed in the manual and
tune your Device spec based on the returns from that command?

 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - User Support Spec. III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630

Thomas Franz wrote:
> Hello,
> with about the half of my tapes , bacula doesn't write
> the full capacity and ends with something like this:
> 05-May 13:06 backup-sd: Backup.2006-05-05_11.05.00 Error: block.c:552 Write 
> error at 1108:12049 on device /dev/nsa2. ERR=Invalid argument.
> 05-May 13:06 backup-sd: End of medium on Volume "A00010" 
> Bytes=1,099,510,936,757 Blocks=17,043,520 at 05-May-2006 13:06.
> Are there any experiences with this behavior? Does it indicates to harware or
> a batch of corrupt tapes or still software? Any data lost?
> There are no other hints in /var/log/messages or other files. 
> A second question:
> I tried to check such tapes with bls and bscan.  With bscan I've got 
> the following:
> .....
> 09-May 15:36 bscan: Got EOF at file 98  on device /dev/nsa2, Volume "A00008"
> 09-May 15:36 bscan: Got EOF at file 99  on device /dev/nsa2, Volume "A00008"
> 09-May 15:36 bscan: Got EOF at file 100  on device /dev/nsa2, Volume "A00008"
> 09-May 15:37 bscan: Got EOF at file 101  on device /dev/nsa2, Volume "A00008"
> bscan: bscan.c:546 Could not find SessId=13 SessTime=1144758273 for EOS 
> record.
> 09-May 15:37 bscan: Got EOF at file 102  on device /dev/nsa2, Volume "A00008"
> bscan: bscan.c:462 3099377 "errors" ignored before first Start of Session 
> record.
> bscan: bscan.c:472 SOS_LABEL: Found Job record for JobId: 0
> 09-May 15:37 bscan: Got EOF at file 103  on device /dev/nsa2, Volume "A00008"
> bscan: bscan.c:472 SOS_LABEL: Found Job record for JobId: 0
> 09-May 15:37 bscan: Got EOF at file 104  on device /dev/nsa2, Volume "A00008"
> 09-May 15:38 bscan: Got EOF at file 105  on device /dev/nsa2, Volume "A00008"
> 09-May 15:38 bscan: Got EOF at file 106  on device /dev/nsa2, Volume "A00008"
> 09-May 15:38 bscan: Got EOF at file 107  on device /dev/nsa2, Volume "A00008"
> ............
> What does it mean? 
> We are using bacula 1.36.3 on a FreeBSD 4.11 machine.  The backup hardware is 
> an EXABYTE Changer with an IBM LTO-3 drive.
> Thanks a lot.
> Thomas Franz
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