On Tue, 2 May 2006, Ambahunen Gebremariam wrote:
Does that mean that server A backs up server B, server B backs up C, ...
R backs up A?
We have Server 'A' backing up Server 'B', Server 'B' backing up Server 'A',
Server 'C' backing up server 'D' and so on ...
Ew, that's hideously complicated.
If you're going to do that, why not just have a dedicated bacula server?
Updating to version 1.38 is my next step. I will have to create a project
plan and get it approved for that.
Now would be a good time to go to a separate machine for backups.
I'd advise increasing your retention time to something saner too.
3 months is a good starting point. Tape is cheap.
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