On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 11:22:55PM +0100, Lewis Thompson wrote:
<complex backup policy snipped>
> Am I missing the point?  Can somebody help me out with some good ideas
> to keep at least a fairly old backup and more recent backups that will
> give me more than one way of getting to a fairly "recent" state, should
> my system fail?
What are you trying to accomplish with that? Are you saying that
you want two different copies of your 'present' data? It looks
like you are already running daily backups, so what about:

Create two pools, with a volume retention period of two months.
Run two full backups each day.

That will give you two copies of almost identical data. If you
are already going to be running daily backups, there isn't a
need to run daily differentials and so on.

If tape capacity is an issue, run 2 monthy fulls and daily
differentials, or weekly fulls and daily differentials, and so
on. However, daily fulls and daily incrementals and daily
differentials sounds overy complex to me.

-Jason Martin
I distinctly remember forgetting that.
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