Kern Sibbald wrote:
On Wednesday 29 March 2006 21:50, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
You can also edit files as root from Konqueror with right click -> Actions -> Edit as
Root. See Root Sudo wiki page <>.

That I didn't notice. In any case, it is too complicated and abstract for me to think about using Konqueror. Every machine I have used has always had some way to get logged in as root, Administator, or a host of other privileged names.
I wouldn't use that either -- I almost never use the graphical file manager. However the link gives all of the information for the different ways to use the root account via sudo. There are a few that I was not familiar with.
sudo is something I try to avoid even more than using root since it permits having an icon on the desktop which when clicked can do anything. I think sudo is fine and necessary for some tasks, but I prefer to have all my privileged operations done explicitly ...
By default it asks you for your password at least, which is pretty explicit in my opinion. You can change that too so that it does not cache it for any length of time. I think probably the safety of there being no way remotely to get to the root account.

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