Hi all ,
We've had the unfortunate event where one of our fileserver scsi
controllers finally went kaput , we managed to setup a spare server. I
am now trying to restore the files to this new server but I'm getting
this puzzling error :
28-Mar 13:00 venus-dir: Start Restore Job
RestoreFiles.2006-03-28_13.00.29 28-Mar 13:04 mercury2-fd:
RestoreFiles.2006-03-28_13.00.29 Fatal error:
c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\filed\../../filed/job.c:1599 Comm
error with SD. bad response to Bootstrap. ERR=Broken pipe 28-Mar 13:01
venus-dir: RestoreFiles.2006-03-28_13.00.29 Error: Bacula 1.38.0
(28Oct05): 28-Mar-2006 13:01:24
Please help!
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