Hi All,

        I've a bacula box with 2Tb disk space and a tape and a manage the  
backup of about 5 servers. I had to recover a folder accidentally  
deleted by a net user (a folder of images made by one of graphics).  
The folder wasn't used from months.

I backup with this schema o disk space:

Schedule {
   Name = "WeeklyCycle"
   Run = Full 1st sun at 0:00
   Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 0:00
   Run = Incremental mon-sat at 0:00

and with this schema for tapes:

# Monthly full backup
Schedule {
   Name = "MonthlyFullCycle"
   Run = Level=Full Pool=fb01 1st tue jan mar may jul sep nov at 04:00
   Run = Level=Full Pool=fb02 1st tue feb apr jun aug oct dec at 04:00

# Weekly privacy backup

Schedule {
   Name = "WeeklyPrivacyCycle"
   Run = Level=Full Pool=pr01 mon w00 w02 w04 w06 w08 w10 w12 w14 w16  
w18 w20 w22 w24 w26 w28 w30 w32 w34 w36 w38 w40 w42 w44 w46 w48 w50  
w52 at 04:00
   Run = Level=Full Pool=pr02 mon w01 w03 w05 w07 w09 w11 w13 w15 w17  
w19 w21 w23 w25 w27 w29 w31 w33 w35 w37 w39 w41 w43 w45 w47 w49 w51  
at 04:00

This is the problem:

Restoring the folder with the restore command, option "5: Select the  
most recent backup for a client", and following the procedure  
(marking the folder, selecting the right stoage and so on) only some  
files was restored.

I've made a test on my personal folder (the same procedure above)  
where I have some old files and small backups and I've found (with ls  
command, without ending the restore procedure) only some files of  
mine, and in my personal folder I have all files ... see for yourself:

my real folder:

minoBook:/Volumes/homes malessio$ ls -la
total 1359706
drwx------   1 malessio  admin      16384 May 25 10:23 .
drwxrwxrwt   5 root      admin        170 May 29 10:57 ..
-rwx------   1 malessio  admin      21508 May 29 10:58 .DS_Store
-rwx------   1 malessio  admin      23552 Apr  4 13:33 Password  
drwx------   1 malessio  admin      16384 May  9 16:51 Repository
-rwx------   1 malessio  admin  347801600 Dec 15 11:02  
-rwx------   1 malessio  admin  347801600 Dec 15 11:03 backup.tar
-rwx------   1 malessio  admin     437760 Nov 24  2005 lista  
definitiva domini '05.xls
drwx------   1 malessio  admin      16384 May 18 15:50 shared
drwx------   1 malessio  admin      16384 May 26 15:24 sotfware
drwx------   1 malessio  admin      16384 Apr  3 16:05 stages

my bacula folder:

kraken ~ # /etc/bacula/bconsole
Connecting to Director
1000 OK: kraken-dir Version: 1.38.5 (18 January 2006)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula

First you select one or more JobIds that contain files
to be restored. You will be presented several methods
of specifying the JobIds. Then you will be allowed to
select which files from those JobIds are to be restored.

To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
      1: List last 20 Jobs run
      2: List Jobs where a given File is saved
      3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
      4: Enter SQL list command
      5: Select the most recent backup for a client
      6: Select backup for a client before a specified time
      7: Enter a list of files to restore
      8: Enter a list of files to restore before a specified time
      9: Find the JobIds of the most recent backup for a client
     10: Find the JobIds for a backup for a client before a specified  
     11: Enter a list of directories to restore for found JobIds
     12: Cancel
Select item:  (1-12): 5
Defined Clients:
      1: chimera-fd
      2: kraken-fd
      3: caronte-fd
      4: medusa-fd
      5: vocalcom-fd
      6: sfinge-fd
Select the Client (1-6): 3
Automatically selected FileSet: caronte
| JobId | Level | JobFiles | JobBytes        | StartTime           |  
VolumeName   | StartFile |
|   525 | F     |  737,228 | 159,412,642,310 | 2006-05-07 00:01:11 |  
caronte-0142 |         0 |
|   725 | D     |  218,018 | 111,963,454,086 | 2006-05-28 00:01:06 |  
caronte-0065 |         0 |
|   732 | I     |      562 |     466,805,607 | 2006-05-29 00:01:26 |  
caronte-0195 |         0 |
You have selected the following JobIds: 525,725,732

Building directory tree for JobId 525 ...
Building directory tree for JobId 725 ...  ++++++++++++++
Building directory tree for JobId 732 ...
3 Jobs, 214,642 files inserted into the tree.

You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and
remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added,  
you used the "all" keyword on the command line.
Enter "done" to leave this mode.

cwd is: /
$ cd /home/alessio.mineni/
cwd is: /home/alessio.mineni/
$ ls

It seams that some files are desapeared.

I appreciate any kind of help.

Alessio Mineni x WaveGroup

Via Benaco 34/b
25081 Bedizzole BS

"I computer sono incredibilmente veloci, accurati e stupidi. Gli  
uomini sono incredibilmente lenti, inaccurati e intelligenti. Insieme  
sono una potenza che supera l'immaginazione." Albert Einstein

        (   )   Oooo.
         \ (    (   )
          \_)    ) /

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