Manually creating a bootstrap record: how?! Inquiring minds want to know!

I created a client record and inadvertently left out the bootstrap directive. No problem since it was a local test machine, but given my ability to really hose things up it would be super to have a way to 'recover' from my own mistakes.


On Mar 22, 2006, at 4:05 AM, Arno Lehmann wrote:


On 3/22/2006 10:29 AM, Rene Brask Sørensen wrote:
Hi all
I have quite a big problem restoring a windows fileset, I can't traverse the filetree bacula builds but when I search for the file I want to restore I can find it. It seems like my problem comes from my fileset definition where I have used a backslash instead of a "front" slash.

Quite possible...

how can I restore the file ? can I just fit the fileset definition and then restore the file ?

Well, I'd recommend correcting the file set as soon as possible, but that will _not_ fix existing backups. For your current problem, you could try to locate the file in question in the catalog database and manually create a bootstrap file for it.

I never tried this, but I'm quite sure that it should be possible and, in case that file is really important, it's definitely worh the effort. You could also try to use bextract to dump a whole tapes contents to a local disk, I think.


please help
Best regards
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IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann        

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