On Friday 10 February 2006 15:58, Karl Hakimian wrote:
> > I don't think COPY will be useful.
> I don't think I'm ready to give up on the copy command yet. The amount
> of data in the filename and path tables is small compared to the file
> table. If we created a copy command while updating the file and path
> tables and then dumped the file updates via copy, that should be a
> significant speed improvement.
> >    http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/sql-copy.html
> >
> > The data we are adding to the database does not already exist.
> > There's nothing to COPY.
> We should be able to created it from the spooled attributes.
> > I think transactions are more important here.  We need to look more
> > closely at that.
> I believe transactions would help quite a bit. Seems to me I saw some
> transaction code in bacula commented out. Does anyone know why it was
> removed?

If you are still interested in this subject, I would make the following 

- I don't know what the COPY command is, but I doubt it is something Bacula 
would want to use since I like to keep the code simple and as uniform as 
possible across systems.

- As you noted, there is some transaction code in Bacula.  However, it is 
turned off for the reasons that Martin mentions.

- On the other hand, I have come up with an idea that I have discussed with 
Dan (possibly off-list) for implementing transactions in a slightly different 
way from before.  This would IMO permit a significant improvement in speed 
inserting the file attributes. If this interests you and you have not seen 
those emails, please let me know, and I'll see if I can dig them out -- if I 
don't have them (because I was not using my normal email), I'm sure Dan does.

Best regards,


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