So, I have switched to spooling, on the advice I've seen written recently... sounds like the way to go, especially if you only have one tape drive. I expected a speed increase too, as the drive would be used more efficiently. What I did not expect is the 1000Kps speed DECREASE. Can anyone tell me why this might be? This is a Solaris 9, Sun UE450 box, 3x296 with a DAT72 drive.

Here are the stats:

No spooling:

 Scheduled time:         30-Jan-2006 18:04:06
 Start time:             30-Jan-2006 18:04:11
 End time:               30-Jan-2006 18:09:12
 Priority:               10
 FD Files Written:       20,102
 SD Files Written:       20,102
 FD Bytes Written:       846,587,164
 SD Bytes Written:       849,703,073
 Rate:                   2812.6 KB/s


 Scheduled time:         30-Jan-2006 23:59:09
 Start time:             30-Jan-2006 23:59:13
 End time:               31-Jan-2006 00:06:57
 Priority:               10
 FD Files Written:       20,102
 SD Files Written:       20,102
 FD Bytes Written:       846,587,164
 SD Bytes Written:       849,703,073
 Rate:                   1824.5 KB/s

This can't be network speed, as it is spooled. The only thing I'm thinking is that the disk could be THAT slow? Doesn't seem likely. The disk and tape are not likely to be on the same controller. Any tips?


---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
|Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | | Ryan Novosielski - User Support Spec. III
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\__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.| IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630

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