
On 1/13/2006 12:57 AM, Paul Heinlein wrote:
On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, Andrew Ford wrote:
Kern Sibbald wrote:
My LaTeX experience is minimal, and I don't intend to be a DocBook apologist, so I can't really comment on your experiences. I've found DocBook, esp. in conjunction with the XSL stylesheets produced by Norm Walsh et al., to work quite well for screen-oriented documents. Page-oriented publications (like O'Reilly stuff) or those with heavily tabular material (like cookbooks) haven't been my concern.

The lack of polished editing tools wasn't really my concern either, considering that most folks who use and know about bacula probably do most of their text editing in vi or emacs anyway.


(Although I can only talk for myself - I do use vi, am more fluent with emacs, sometimes I use notepad, Word, but most of my writing is done with OpenOffice.)

The main point is that, when you use a plain text editor to work with markup languages, you need a language that remains *readble*. LaTeX is, IMO, rather good in that respect. And you get results that are much more typographically correct or aesthetic or nice or whatever you want to call it than what can be done with, for example, OpenOffice or Word.

That said, I have no agenda. If DocBook isn't your cup o' tea, then feel free to ignore it. :-)


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