Hi John.

a) the tapes aren't "deleted", just marked as purged so they can
   be used for an upcoming job, you can check that with
   "list media pool=<PoolName>" in bconsole

b) might be the "default" behaviour atm, cause well, a new tape has no
   jobs attached to it and therefor gets marked as "purged" to be available
   I'm unsure if theres a state for a 'new' or 'fresh' tape.
   If so, I think theres some check missing:
   if(tape->noJobs() and ! tape->hasStatus('new'))...


On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, John Hayden wrote:


These are brand new tapes that I just labeled and add to the pool. Then a few seconds/minutes later, they are marked as purged and I have no tapes again????

        John Hayden

On Jan 3, 2006, at 3:41 PM, Michael Scherer wrote:


Image you have a tape with 3 jobs on it.
Now you purge all _jobs_ via bconsole (or job retention time).
After that Bacula considers the tape as "useless" cause it has no clue
whats stored on it. All job information (files backuped on the tape) were
purged, so it frees the tape.


On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, John Hayden wrote:

Hope everyone had a god New Years!

In my continuing saga of a retrograde, any volume I label and add to a pool almost immediately gets marked as purged with the following message:

03-Jan 15:46 rosalind-dir: There are no Jobs associated with Volume "Mutation0020". Marking it purged. 03-Jan 15:46 rosalind-dir: There are no Jobs associated with Volume "Mutation0021". Marking it purged.

 Any ideas why this might be happening?

I love deadlines, especially the sound they make as they go whooshing by.

John Hayden
  Systems Administrator
  Brigham & Women's Hospital - Genetics Division
  77 Avenue Louis Pasteur
  Boston, MA 02115

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