
A couple of months ago we've replaced another backup solution with
Bacula. Very nice piece of software, we're very satisfied. Our setup
isn't that big: a single DDS5 tape drive to which six servers are backed
up. A full backup takes up ~50 GB of space (two tapes). All machines are
running Debian Sarge and the Bacula version that comes with it (Debian
package version number is 1.36.2-2sarge1).

Unfortunately the file demon (and only that one) seems to be
memleaking. A few weeks ago our main server ran out of memory (including
swap space), and random tasks were killed, all because bacula-fd was
sucking up all available memory. A simple restart of bacula-fd fixed
that problem, and the backup continued to run normally.

But this problem still occurs. Today bacula-fd is again using more
memory than I think it should:

0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ps auxww | grep bacula-fd
root     18215  0.0  0.4 307836 3920 ?       Ss   Dec13   
0:00 /usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf

This is on our main file server with the largest part of those 50 GB
that are backup up.

On another server, our web and email server containing ~15 GB worth of
backup up data, the memory consumption is too high, too:

0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ps auxww | grep bacula-fd
root      5312  0.0  0.6 111916 3304 ?       Ss   Dec07   
0:00 /usr/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf

The FDs on the other servers use way less memory, around 6 MB. Two
servers use slightly older versions of Bacula (Debian package version
1.36.2-2 and 1.36.2-1), but a third one uses 1.36.2-2sarge1, too, and on
that server bacula-fd only needs those 6 MB even though it has been
running since August.

So, what do I do? Searching for memleaks on this list via gmane didn't
turn up a lot, and nothing about the FD.

I can provide additional information (e.g. configuration files), try
patches, whatever, if that sheds more light on this problem.

Thanks in advance and have a nice new year.


LINET Services GbR

Gotenweg 15                      Tel.: 0531-280 191 71
38106 Braunschweig               Fax.: 0531-280 191 72


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