On Sun, 25 Dec 2005 19:09:52 -0600
Richard Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Jeffrey J. Nonken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Sun, 25 Dec 2005 10:28:43 -0800
> > "Jeffrey J. Nonken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> For now I'm going to assume I want to return 0, quick-fix this
> >> script, and try the new settings.
> Yeah, returning 0 is the hack I did to the dvd-handler script.

Excellent, I did something right. :) Thanks for confirming.
> > Gah.
> >
> > Now I can mount it but not label it!
> >
> > Connecting to Storage daemon DVD at ...
> > Sending label command for Volume "DVDTest001" Slot 0 ...
> > End of Volume "DVDTest001" at 0:0 on device
> > "DVD" (/BaculaDVD/fakedevicefile) (part_size=0, free_space=0,
> > free_space_errno=32, errmsg=block.c:953 Read zero bytes at 0:0 on
> > device "DVD" (/BaculaDVD/fakedevicefile). ). 3912 Failed to label
> > Volume: ERR=block.c:953 Read zero bytes at 0:0 on device
> > "DVD" (/BaculaDVD/fakedevicefile).
> >
> > Label command failed for Volume DVDTest001.
> > Do not forget to mount the drive!!!
> Hmm.  Are you sure the DVD you're trying to label was a blank disk?

Brand new disc fresh out of the case. All I've done so far is attempt
to label it, and manually format it using dvd+rw-format. I suppose one
of my attempts to label it might have written something to it, but so
far the error messages I've gotten suggest to me that it hasn't gotten
that far. ("Sorry, I have to mount it before I can label it, and I
can't mount it.") In fact, I had the storage device definition wrong at
first, so it would have been impossible to label it then. Once I got my
definitions correct I started getting the error above; so a non-blank
medium represents a cart-before-the-horse problem. :)

> Also, you might want to check and make sure that the dir you
> specified as Spool Directory is empty; your previous attempts at
> labeling might have left stray files there that confused things this
> time. 
Same issue; previous attempts were with the wrong definition, so it
didn't have a directory to work with. Nonetheless I'll check both
possibilities out next chance I get (probably tonight or tomorrow
after I get home, I'm visiting the parents right now).
> Other than that, I'm out of ideas.  
Yeah. And the reply I got earlier suggesting that it's no better under
Linux and DVD writing isn't ready yet doesn't make me feel much better.
I was really hoping to migrate away from these DDS-3 tapes. I seem to
have avoided the reliability problems many people claim, but by today's
standards they're slow and expensive. And these are wearing out. DVD is
a medium that's cheap, both drives and media, due to economies of
scale. Hard drives are now cheap enough to be a serious contender, but
I was really hoping to keep my budget down even lower. There's still
something like a 2x (+RW) to 5x (+R) gap from what I've seen.

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