Ah! This may be why I'm having so much trouble.

Now the important question that is not jumping out at me from the manual. If I take bi-weekly full backups that have a retention period of 29 days 19 hours, and incremental backups that have a retention period of 13 days 19 hours, how do I handle this in bacula. Job retention seems to be set per job. I don't REALLY want to have to have two jobs, as I wonder if that wouldn't introduce other problems, but is that what I would have to do?


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Sebastian Stark wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 10:01:15AM -0800, Harondel J. Sibble wrote:
I am pretty sure I am missing something fairly fundamental in the way volumes are recycled, I've read through the docs, checking the list postings, but have been unable to get a handle on this.

Basically, if I start with a new set of volumes, with a retention period of 6 days, all is good until the 2nd week, then the tapes fill up and are not automatically recycled. Then I end up having to manually PURGE the volumes so that backups work properly. Basically, we can consistently fit 26-27gb on a tape. Normal daily backup is about 23gb.

Link to all the relevant conf files


From your bacula-dir.conf it looks like your job retention is 30 days.
As I understand bacula it won't (automatically) prune volumes unless it
has purged all jobs referring to this volume.

What am I missing so that I don't have to baby it?
Harondel J. Sibble Sibble Computer Consulting
Creating solutions for the small business and home computer user.
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