
A kludge, which I don't like much, would be to move the definition of Pool 
into the common part of the jcr.

A much better solution, would be to enhance the Python scripting interface to 
include all the variables you want.  Most likely all except %s (Since) are 
implemented, so it wouldn't be very hard.  See src/dird/pythondir.c (if I 
remember the name correctly), then just duplicate the code necessary.
Since Python can already submit a run command, the rest should be rather easy 
and in the long run, much more powerful.

On Thursday 17 November 2005 17:16, Alexander Bergolth wrote:
> Hi!
> I'd like to use the new Run-directive in the Job Resource to define a
> job that should be run after the main backup-job. (This job should
> backup the bacula database directory and is called BackupCatalog.)
> However, since my schedule uses daily incremental backups that go to a
> "PoolDaily" during the week, weekly full backups that go to "PoolWeekly"
> and monthly full backups that go to "PoolMonthly", I'd like to specify
> the BackupCatalog-Job to use the same pool as the main backup job and
> hence use the same tape.
> I'd like to use a variable like "%p" that is substituted for the pool,
> that the current job is using, to allow starting the BackupCatalog-job
> like that:
> Job {
>    Name = "Samba-Homes"
>    Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
> [...]
>    Run = "BackupCatalog level=%l since=\"%s\" storage=DLT1 pool=%p"
> }
> I've found out that "%v" is substituted by the volume-name in
> edit_job_codes() (in lib/util.c) but it looks like there is no variable
> for the pool.
> So I tried to add this feature using the attached patch.
> However, it doesn't compile because the pool attribute is only compiled
> into the class JCR, if DIRECTOR_DAEMON is defined. (See jcr.h)
> Unfortunately, when lib/util.c is compiled, DIRECTOR_DAEMON isn't
> defined. So jcr->pool isn't available at compile time in
> edit_job_codes(). However, since jcr is passed from is passed from
> do_backup_init() in dird/backup.c, it should be available at run-time.
> I'd appreciate any hint at how to solve the problem...
> Cheers,
> --leo

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