What did you ultimately change on your site that might be of interest to others on the list? I'd be interested to know. I'm not going to get 3 MB/s, since I have a drive that writes slower than that, but any ways to boost performance would be interesting.
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|Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | | Ryan Novosielski - User Support Spec. III
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On Fri, 4 Nov 2005, Ove Risberg wrote:


I have tried to get some decent performance in my bacula configuration
and after reading bacula mail lists, documentation and some source code
I increased it from 300KB/s to 3MB/s when backuping the root filesystem.

After reading the mail lists I found out that I was not the first bacula
user with performance problems and I do not think I will be the last.

One thing I was missing while doing this was more tools to test and tune
the performance of tape, database, network and reading files.

btape has great functions for testing if the tape drive and autochanger
is working but I would like it to test different parameters and suggest
changes to my configuration. I do not mind if would take a long time to
do this because it would take me a lot longer to do it myself.

Network performance would be much easier to test and tune if I could
tell a file daemon to send data to a storage daemon and report the
transfer rate without reading files, updating database or writing to

Reading files can be done in a similar way by telling a file daemon to
read files and report the transfer rate without sending the files to any
storage daemon.

I do not know how to test and tune the database...
but someone must know ;-)

When/If these tools are available it would be possible to write a
performance tuning tool to help users to test and tune their bacula

Is it possible to do this?

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