
On 24.10.2005 15:26, Magnus Ahl wrote:

Hello friends.

This problem has bothered me for the whole weekend. I have an old backup I
want to restore some specific files from. The backup spans three tapes,
00203, 00204 and 00205. The data is (probably) gone from the bacula MySQL
database so I started out using the b-tools, bls and bextract. bls said that
the data I was looking for was on tape 00204:

But when i loaded tape 00204 and started to extract information from the
tape, the listed files are not there:
Any guesses to what might differ between the bls and bextract programs? What
are the "*none*" markers from the bextract program? Can the fact that this
was a bextract of Windows files on a linux machine make any difference? (The
documentation says no: the drive letter will just be removed)

While I'm not sure, I guess that perhaps even bextract is not able to restore non-portable windows files to a linux restore machine.

Some filenames has been changed to protect the innocent. Bacula verion
1.36.0 installed from RPM running MySQL 3.23.58 database backend on RHES 3
Update 6, if it's important. Exabyte 230D tape library using 30 DLT7000
tapes and one drive, if thats important.

Any help much appreciated, since I am truly puzzled.

Have you tried bscanning the tapes in question into the catalog, and then restoring to a windows machine?


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