
Marcus wrote:

Concerning your recent problem, either use 1.37
versions ...

Also I forgot to ask, how would 1.3.7 help?

Because it always works as if you set "Use Any Volume".

The pool I made up does have Use Any Volume set to
yes, it just acts like it isn't. Odd

In that case a closer look at the output from 'llist
volumes' might help.

Now, I don't know your exact setup and volume
status, but are you sure all the volumes in the autochanger are known to

Bacula is noting the slot number in list volumes, and
when it wants something it guns for the proper slot.
(I admit though the Default pool had slot zero until I
added Autochanger=yes to the dir config :}

This, of course, is one good reason why bacula doesn't load the next tape. :-)

Actually, appending to tape really helps my workflow,
but it would be nice to mark a tape as "full" so
Bacula would start on another tape.

No problem. You can do that from the console, using the update volume command. Or set the volume / pool properties accordingly.

Thanks for all the help, here's that list vol...

*llist volumes
Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
Pool: Default
          MediaId: 1
       VolumeName: testvol0001
             Slot: 0
           PoolId: 1
        MediaType: DLT8000
     FirstWritten: 2005-09-02 01:05:02
      LastWritten: 2005-09-02 02:43:08
        LabelDate: 2005-09-02 01:05:10
          VolJobs: 1
         VolFiles: 30
        VolBlocks: 460303
        VolMounts: 2
         VolBytes: 29695029193
        VolErrors: 0
        VolWrites: 460308
 VolCapacityBytes: 0
        VolStatus: Append
          Recycle: 1
     VolRetention: 31536000
   VolUseDuration: 0
       MaxVolJobs: 0
      MaxVolFiles: 0
      MaxVolBytes: 0
        InChanger: 1
          EndFile: 29
         EndBlock: 10803

This looks like there is only one volume in the pool, so bacula would prompt you to label another volume when it is filled.

Pool: mbpdlt
No results to list.
Pool: Video-DLT4
          MediaId: 2
       VolumeName: vdlt4-0001
             Slot: 1
           PoolId: 3
        MediaType: DLT8000
     FirstWritten: 0
      LastWritten: 0
        LabelDate: 2005-09-04 00:52:31
          VolJobs: 0
         VolFiles: 0
        VolBlocks: 0
        VolMounts: 0
         VolBytes: 1
        VolErrors: 0
        VolWrites: 0
 VolCapacityBytes: 0
        VolStatus: Purged
          Recycle: 0
     VolRetention: 31536000
   VolUseDuration: 0
       MaxVolJobs: 0
      MaxVolFiles: 0
      MaxVolBytes: 0
        InChanger: 1
          EndFile: 0
         EndBlock: 0

Here you see the important information (and I guess that there is more than one volume in the pool):
Slot and InChanger are >0.

Now let's discuss advanced bacula :-)

The stable versions have a serious limit when using more than one pool in an autochanger: they simply don't support it correctly. If you want such a setup, you can do two things: Either you patch the bacula source (quite simple, in fact, but you need to recompile the director) so it can handle different pools in one autochanger. This is not supported by Kern, though, and it's possible that it breaks bacula when you try to use volumes from both pools simultaneously. It's your duty to make sure your setup doesn't try things bacula can't manage, but that's possible. Priorities are a good thing, for example. The other option is to upgrade to the beta version, currently 1.37.38 and hope it doesn't break anything you need. This requires an upgrade of the catalog database as well, so it's perhaps not easily possible to go back to 1.36. That development version supports multiple pools in one autochanger as well as many other interesting things, but it's not finished and it's well possible that you discover that it doesn't work in your setup 8In that case the developers will be glad to receive good bug reports, though.) My experience is that 1.37.37 worked stable enough here, but there were bugs to fix.

          MediaId: 3
       VolumeName: vdlt4-0002

I'd recommend to only put volumes from one pool into the autochanger, do an 'update slots scan' on the device, verify that all volumes have their catalog entries set correctly, and try again.

In case the catalog is seriously screwed up (which, with the right user intervention, is quite possible :-) you can reset the autochanger related information with a command like 'sqlquery
update Media set Slot=0,InChanger=0;'
which will clear away all that information but not damage anything else. Usually ;-)


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