On Mon, Sep 05, 2005, Michael Carey wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using Bacula 1.36.3. I've been trying to set up fileset  
> exclusions for a number of Mac related files that start with a dot  
> (e.g. '.AppleDB' on Linux systems running netatalk; & '.DS_Store',  
> and files starting with '._' on a Windows system, that get left  
> behind after a Mac file copy.) I initially tried the following 'wild'  
> matches:
> wildfile = .DS_Store
> wildfile = ._*
> wilddir = .AppleDB
> None of the above seemed to work. After a lot of trial and error, I  
> found that adding a '*' in front of each name did the trick, so the  
> entries became:
> wildfile = *.DS_Store
> wildfile = *._*
> wilddir = *.AppleDB
> Can anyone shed any light on this? If this is the intended behaviour,  
> should it be noted in the documentation?

This is at least not the "expected" behaviour :) The problem seems to
be that not the basename is matched against the pattern from the Wild*
directive, but the whole path.
That it is recommended to enclose the string in double quotes, _is_
documented. This doesn't play a role here, though.

The FileSet resource is utterly complex. It would be nice when the
"estimate" command could list all files and directories that are
_filtered_. This would make it easier to see what is really excluded
from backups.

wildfile = "*.DS_Store"
does also match all files with the extension ".DS_Store" (e.g.
"bla.DS_Store". It would probably be better to use:
wildfile = "*/.DS_Store"


Matthias Kurz; Fuldastr. 3; D-28199 Bremen; VOICE +49 421 53 600 47
  >> Im prämotorischen Cortex kann jeder ein Held sein. (bdw) <<

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