I made up a test pool of volumes with my changer. Did some backups on the first tape, then purged it. For other backup tests, I mounted and used tape 2. I wanted to ditch tape two and try stuff on the third labelled/unused tape, but Bacula kept trying to append to two. Loaded and mounted three by hand, but it unloaded and again tried to load tape two.
Why won't it use three? Does it keep trying to write to a tape until it's full, then change? The only console error is stuff about not being able to load slot two (since I'd removed the tape from the changer). I'm not sure what is useful to troubleshooting, attached is output of list media, let me know what else is helpful. Thanks for any advice! (suse 9.2 bacula 1.36.3 adic faststor 7 slot dltIV) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com
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