
nice to see see you all busy again :-)
After my vacation, I already upgraded to 1.37.36 to continue testing. 
And I even skimmed the heap of list mail.
Kern Sibbald wrote:
2. I've looked into the idea of creating a Bacula Foundation, and if done here in Switzerland where I live, it will cost about $2000-3000 to create and $2000-3000 per year for administrative fees (accounting, audit, ...) to run. At this point, this is not feasible.
Actually I'd guess that raising a few thousand dollars a year doesn't 
sound unreasonable, given the user base bacula has.
How about first trying to implement some of the necessary 
infrastructure, like setting up an account for donations, trying to 
raise money by giving talks, etc., and the like?
Anyway, it's your time (the biggest part at least), and you've got to 
decide what you do with it - I think we all can't complain ;-)
If you want to read about my idea, please visit:
http://www.bacula.org/OpenSourceFunding.html  Your comments are welcome.
I'll definitely read and perhaps comment - later.

4. Bacula release status: I grossly underestimated the complexity of implementing multiple drive autochanger support, so the development version (currently 1.37.36) is not yet ready. It will most likely be about another month before it can be released (another week or two of fixes and at least two weeks of running without any major bugs). I mentioned this in the beta release announcement today, but bring it up again as background for the next item ...
Anyway, thanks for the newer beta. In the last months, it got pretty 
obvious that the current development was becoming more and more 
difficult, and I - and most other users, I assume - greatly appreciate 
your efforts.
5. Future Bacula development: as I see it, the Bacula project is undergoing a major change at the moment. First, more and more features are being contributed rather than being developed by me. This is very desirable and is a good sign for the future of Bacula. My thanks go out to everyone who has contributed to this project, be it by a code submission, preparing a platform release, documentation, answering a question on the mailing list, ... In the case of the increasing number of code submissions, it is requiring quite a bit of adapting on my part: more time spent helping submitters, looking at their code, integrating it, testing it, documenting it, less time for me to program ... This isn't at all a complaint, rather the contrary -- relief that others are helping code. It will be interesting to see where it leads to and how it gets there.
Mee too!

Seriously, though, what I observed during the last year was indeed a shift from implementing and fixing a network backup solution towards developing it into something suitable for larger installations with more sophisticated needs.
I'ts fun taking part in it, even if it's only a small part.

Second, I'm hearing more and more requests for me to attend meetings and give presentations. This is something that I will devote more time to next year beginning in April.
Glad to hear it, since I think that bacula has reached a state where it 
some "propaganda" seems ok.
This modification may result in smaller more incremental releases containing only one or two features rather than the larger releases we have seen in the past -- perhaps something similar to how Linux development has evolved (purely coincidental).
This at least should make bug fixing easier, I hope. Overall, assuming 
enough developers participate, it might even lead to a faster 
development of new features.
Well, and now back to stressing 1.37.36...


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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