Alan Brown wrote:
On Sun, 7 Aug 2005, Mick wrote:
I use an USB disk as backup target for Bacula. It works fine. But there
is one issue: I want to mount it immediatly before the backup and
unmount it afterwards. There is even a mount option for the config file
(sd.config I think), but this option is not allowed for a harddisk.
Assuming you're using a linux system, why not allow hotplug and subfs to
do this for you automagically?
I am working on a similiar solution here. The problem is, that the
hotplug-agent doesnt mount the USB-Harddisc on a fixed mountpoint.
I tried to define a fixed mountpoint myself, but the hotplug-agent has
avoided all my attempts until now.
Regards Daniel
Daniel Bloemer - BusinessCoDe GmbH
Systemadministration and Support
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