
Josh Fisher wrote:
A RunBeforeJob script could mount the device with a simple mount command. It could also tell if the drive was inserted by testing whether or not the mountpoint existed. A RunAfterJob could unmount the device just as easily. Of course, if multiple drives were being used it would be neccessary to always insert the devices in the correct order so that the device with a particular bacula volume label was at the correct device node and mountpoint.

A better approach would be for the RunBeforeJob script to read the bacula volume label from all inserted devices, find the mountpoint of the device containing the desired label, mount it, and then create a symlink to the mountpoint. The bacula job would use the symlink as its ArchiveDevice. I have not tried this, and I'm not sure if the RunAfterJob script could then figure out which device to unmount.

Unfortunately there is no RunStorageBeforeJob-Command.
Since Director and Storage are not on the same maschine here, a RunBeforeJob-script has to do this stuff remote on another maschine.

Regards Daniel
Daniel Bloemer - BusinessCoDe GmbH
Systemadministration and Support
Phone: +49 (0)228 / 28925-43

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