My backup terminated during a tape change after the 6th tape. It asked for the new tape I ejected the tape via the button on the drive, installed a new tape, labeled the tape, forgot to mount it and then had the job terminate after I messed up the mount command. How is the best way to recover. There are two jobs on these 6 tapes where the second job was like 80% complete when it ended. I am using bacula 1.36.3-r1 (gentoo) on amd64.
08-Aug 13:32 dicom-sd: End of Volume "TMImages-0005" at 58:2581 on device /dev/nst0. Write of 262144 bytes got -1. 08-Aug 13:33 dicom-sd: Re-read of last block succeeded. 08-Aug 13:33 dicom-sd: End of medium on Volume "TMImages-0005" Bytes=58,665,991,732 Blocks=223,793 at 08-Aug-2005 13:33. 08-Aug 13:33 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Warning: Wanted to create Volume "TMImages-0003", but it already exists. Trying again. 08-Aug 13:33 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Warning: Wanted to create Volume "TMImages-0004", but it already exists. Trying again. 08-Aug 13:33 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Warning: Wanted to create Volume "TMImages-0005", but it already exists. Trying again. 08-Aug 13:33 dicom-dir: Created new Volume "TMImages-0006" in catalog. 08-Aug 13:33 dicom-sd: Please mount Volume "TMImages-0006" on Storage Device "DLT-IV" for Job TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 08-Aug 13:33 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Error: message.c:668 Operator mail program terminated in error. CMD=/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s "Bacula: Intervention needed for TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21" [EMAIL PROTECTED] ERR=Child exited with code 1 label The defined Storage resources are: 1: File 2: DLT-IV 3: DLT-IV-HOMES Select Storage resource (1-3): 2 Enter new Volume name: TMImages-0006 Defined Pools: 1: Monthly 2: Daily 3: UserBackup 4: Images 5: TempBack 6: Default 7: PLuSS 8: TMImages Select the Pool (1-8): 8 Connecting to Storage daemon DLT-IV at dicom:9103 ... Sending label command for Volume "TMImages-0006" Slot 0 ... block.c:782 Read error at file:blk 0:0 on device /dev/nst0. ERR=Input/output error. list volumes 3000 OK label. Volume=TMImages-0006 Device=/dev/nst0 mount sql_update.c:327 update UPDATE Media SET VolJobs=0,VolFiles=0,VolBlocks=0,VolBytes=1,VolMounts=0,VolErrors=0,VolWrites=0,MaxVolBytes=0,VolStatus='Append',Slot=0,InChanger=1,VolReadTime=0,VolWriteTime=0 WHERE VolumeName='TMImages-0006' failed: Do not forget to mount the drive!!! 08-Aug 13:58 dicom-dir: *Console*.2005-08-05_17.33.22 Error: sql_update.c:290 sql_update.c:290 update UPDATE Media SET LabelDate='2005-08-08 13:42:34' WHERE VolumeName='TMImages-0006' failed: could not receive data from server: No route to host 08-Aug 13:58 dicom-dir: *Console*.2005-08-05_17.33.22 Error: sql_update.c:327 sql_update.c:327 update UPDATE Media SET VolJobs=0,VolFiles=0,VolBlocks=0,VolBytes=1,VolMounts=0,VolErrors=0,VolWrites=0,MaxVolBytes=0,VolStatus='Append',Slot=0,InChanger=1,VolReadTime=0,VolWriteTime=0 WHERE VolumeName='TMImages-0006' failed: Error obtaining pool ids. ERR=Pool id select failed: ERR= 08-Aug 13:58 dicom-dir: *Console*.2005-08-05_17.33.22 Fatal error: sql_get.c:456 sql_get.c:456 query SELECT PoolId FROM Pool failed: 08-Aug 13:58 dicom-dir: *Console*.2005-08-05_17.33.22 Error: Pool id select failed: ERR= The defined Storage resources are: 1: File 2: DLT-IV 3: DLT-IV-HOMES Select Storage resource (1-3): Expected a positive integer, got: .messages Select Storage resource (1-3): 2 3001 OK mount. Device=/dev/nst0 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: sql_get.c:823 sql_get.c:823 query SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolJobs,VolFiles,VolBlocks,VolBytes,VolMounts,VolErrors,VolWrites,MaxVolBytes,VolCapacityBytes,MediaType,VolStatus,PoolId,VolRetention,VolUseDuration,MaxVolJobs,MaxVolFiles,Recycle,Slot,FirstWritten,LastWritten,InChanger,EndFile,EndBlock FROM Media WHERE VolumeName='TMImages-0006' failed: 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Error: Unable to get Media record for Volume TMImages-0006: ERR=Media record not found in Catalog. 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-sd: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: Error getting Volume info: 1991 Catalog Request failed: Media record not found in Catalog. 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-sd: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: Job 730 canceled. 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-sd: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: Fatal device error: ERR=block.c:782 Read error at file:blk 0:0 on device /dev/nst0. ERR=Input/output error. 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: sql.c:207 sql.c:207 query SELECT count(*) from JobMedia failed: 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: sql_create.c:132 sql_create.c:132 insert INSERT INTO JobMedia (JobId,MediaId,FirstIndex,LastIndex,StartFile,EndFile,StartBlock,EndBlock,VolIndex) VALUES (730,36,25248,25248,59,0,0,2,1) failed: 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Error: Catalog error creating JobMedia record. sql_create.c:134 Create JobMedia record INSERT INTO JobMedia (JobId,MediaId,FirstIndex,LastIndex,StartFile,EndFile,StartBlock,EndBlock,VolIndex) VALUES (730,36,25248,25248,59,0,0,2,1) failed: ERR= 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-sd: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: Error creating JobMedia record: 1991 Update JobMedia error 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-sd: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: Could not create JobMedia record for Volume="TMImages-0006" Job=TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: sql_get.c:823 sql_get.c:823 query SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolJobs,VolFiles,VolBlocks,VolBytes,VolMounts,VolErrors,VolWrites,MaxVolBytes,VolCapacityBytes,MediaType,VolStatus,PoolId,VolRetention,VolUseDuration,MaxVolJobs,MaxVolFiles,Recycle,Slot,FirstWritten,LastWritten,InChanger,EndFile,EndBlock FROM Media WHERE VolumeName='TMImages-0006' failed: 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Error: Unable to get Media record for Volume TMImages-0006: ERR=Media record not found in Catalog. 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-sd: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: Error getting Volume info: 1991 Catalog Request failed: Media record not found in Catalog. 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-fd: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: backup.c:477 Network send error 32768 to SD. ERR=Connection reset by peer 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Error: sql_update.c:166 sql_update.c:166 update UPDATE Job SET JobStatus='f', EndTime='2005-08-08 14:10:25', ClientId=2, JobBytes=159634687421, JobFiles=25248, JobErrors=0, VolSessionId=1, VolSessionTime=1123277329, PoolId=6, FileSetId=12, JobTDate=1123524625 WHERE JobId=730 failed: 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Warning: Error updating job record. sql_update.c:166 update UPDATE Job SET JobStatus='f', EndTime='2005-08-08 14:10:25', ClientId=2, JobBytes=159634687421, JobFiles=25248, JobErrors=0, VolSessionId=1, VolSessionTime=1123277329, PoolId=6, FileSetId=12, JobTDate=1123524625 WHERE JobId=730 failed: 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: sql_get.c:277 sql_get.c:277 query SELECT VolSessionId,VolSessionTime,PoolId,StartTime,EndTime,JobFiles,JobBytes,JobTDate,Job,JobStatus,Type,Level,ClientId FROM Job WHERE JobId=730 failed: 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Warning: Error getting job record for stats: sql_get.c:277 query SELECT VolSessionId,VolSessionTime,PoolId,StartTime,EndTime,JobFiles,JobBytes,JobTDate,Job,JobStatus,Type,Level,ClientId FROM Job WHERE JobId=730 failed: 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: sql_get.c:823 sql_get.c:823 query SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolJobs,VolFiles,VolBlocks,VolBytes,VolMounts,VolErrors,VolWrites,MaxVolBytes,VolCapacityBytes,MediaType,VolStatus,PoolId,VolRetention,VolUseDuration,MaxVolJobs,MaxVolFiles,Recycle,Slot,FirstWritten,LastWritten,InChanger,EndFile,EndBlock FROM Media WHERE VolumeName='TMImages-0006' failed: 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Warning: Error getting Media record for Volume "TMImages-0006": ERR=Media record not found in Catalog. 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Fatal error: sql_get.c:333 sql_get.c:333 query SELECT VolumeName,MAX(VolIndex) FROM JobMedia,Media WHERE JobMedia.JobId=730 AND JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId GROUP BY VolumeName ORDER BY 2 ASC failed: 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Error: Bacula 1.36.3 (22Apr05): 08-Aug-2005 14:10:25 JobId: 730 Job: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Backup Level: Full Client: dicom-fd FileSet: "TMImagesCompressed" 2005-08-05 18:15:23 Pool: "TMImages" Storage: "DLT-IV" Start time: 05-Aug-2005 18:15:23 End time: 08-Aug-2005 14:10:25 FD Files Written: 25,248 SD Files Written: 25,248 FD Bytes Written: 159,634,687,421 SD Bytes Written: 159,638,468,364 Rate: 652.9 KB/s Software Compression: None Volume name(s): Volume Session Id: 1 Volume Session Time: 1123277329 Last Volume Bytes: 0 Non-fatal FD errors: 1 SD Errors: 0 FD termination status: Error SD termination status: Error Termination: *** Backup Error *** 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: message.c:462 Mail prog: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:276 Fatal connect error to localhost: ERR=Connection refused 08-Aug 14:10 dicom-dir: TMImages.2005-08-05_18.15.21 Error: message.c:473 Mail program terminated in error. CMD=/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s "Bacula: Backup Fatal Error of dicom-fd Full" [EMAIL PROTECTED] ERR=Child exited with code 1 "When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and it's longer than any hour. That's relativity." - Albert Einstein ------------------------------------------------------- SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * Testing & QA Security * Process Improvement & Measurement * _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list