Are you absolutely certain that your ethernet cards are set properly? Often an improperly negotiated link speed or duplex can cause exactly this symptom. I know you mentioned other things that appear to rule it out, but check that first regardless -- you might be surprised.


Andrei Mikhailovsky wrote:

On Sun, 2005-08-07 at 18:44 -0300, Roberto Alsina wrote:
Hello all,

First of all, many thanks to all supporters/developers of this project,
keep up the great job!

I have encountered a poor network backup performance for one of our
remote servers. The maximum transfer rate that I manage to get is only
50 kbyte/s. The server is hosted in a datacenter and has a large
available pipe. I can download files from this server at 1-2 mbyte/s
without any issues. However, when I try to backup files from it (about
15gig), the speed that I am getting is very very poor. I mean it takes
about 5 days to do a full backup. This should not be happening,
considering a lot of free bandwidth is not being used.
Many datacenters have the bandwidth on non-standard ports throttled way down.

Try putting your bacula daemons on ports of well-known but unused
services, and it will probably work much better.

Yeah, I am aware of this issue. However, i've also tried to carry out
the backup using a VPN tunnel that I have setup. The copy of files via
vpn tunnel is as fast as without it 1-2mbyte/s. Then doing bacula backup
using the VPN tunnel i get about 50kbyte/s, which is about the same as
doing a backup without vpn. So the problem does not involve the


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