I've already posted a similar request back in May and I've been refered
to Bug 307 but I believe the answer presented there this doesn't solve
my problem.
The problem was:
I'm doing a full backup once a week and a differential backup on the
other days. Differential jobs are backed up to a daily-tape-pool, full
jobs are saved to a weekly pool.
As the tapes sometimes are not changed in time, the jobs may have to
wait for insertation of the right tape. To avoid having multiple same
differential jobs in the waiting queue, I've set "Max Run Time" and "Max
Start Delay" to 10h. However, this also results in cancelation of the
full backup jobs, if the correct tape for the full-backup wasn't
inserted in time.
Is there a way to avoid having multiple jobs of the same kind queue up
without loosing full-level jobs? I've tried "Rerun Failed Levels",
hoping that the next differential jobs backup-level would be upgraded to
"full" but this doesn't seem to work for jobs that were canceled because
of wait-timeouts.
I've tried to use a "Run before job"-script that cancels the current
job, if another one with with the same name and a higher or same level
is already running (or waiting for a tape). Unfortunately the "Run
before job"-Script isn't even executed because it is waiting for the
other job.
So an option to allow only one job with the same name in the scheduler's
queue would be very useful. (Preferrable a higher level job should
replace a lower level job that is already waiting in the queue.)
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