On Fr, 15 Jul 2005, Arno Lehmann wrote:

> >I'll upgrade to 1.36.3 and see what happens. Maybe "Fix deadlock in
> >multiple simultaneous jobs." (from ReleaseNotes) could be the right one.
> >I already setup this site with 1.36.3 FileFormat because I knew it's
> >going to be required!

> I had the same problem of a locking DIR, which worked ok after a 
> restart, and I could never find a reason (partly because I never 
> investigated with gdb, but that's beyond my skills and as long as I 
> could restart my backups rather easily that was ok).
> With 1.36.3 this problem vanished.
> Until yesterday.

Yes, the same with me. I upgraded to 1.36.3 and the problem occured
again, yesterday.
Now I setup "trace on" and "setdebug 100" for dir and sd and I'm waiting
for the problem to occur again!


> Conclusion 1:
> SD problems _can_ hang the DIR. This confirms what Volker found. 
> Probably there is some timeout in the DIR, but in such a case this 
> timeout is either too long (my opinion) or shouldn't block console 
> connections (and probably the rest of the DIR working).

yes, that for sure!

> Conclusion 2:
> mtx is crap. It shouldn't segfault. I'll look at Peters replacement, 
> although I couldn't get it to work before... I also heard about mover...

I didn't have any problems with mtx so far....

> Conclusion 3:
> Don't use decades-old hardware in a backup system ;-)

The only device connected to the scsi bus is the Overland Loader.
Actually rather new!

> Conclusion 4:
> When the SD hangs, check your system logs for hardware errors. 
> Carefully. Take them serious (Had I done this yesterday morning would 
> have been much more fun).

I haven't seen hardware errors in the syslog so far, but I'll take
attention as soon as the problem occurs again!

  Volker Sauer  *  Alexanderstrasse 39/217  *  64283 Darmstadt
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