Dominic Marks wrote:

On Tuesday 24 May 2005 22:32, Bruno Savioli wrote:
Hi All..

Is there a way of backing up just the directory without the files inside
it? i.e. /proc

I'm 95% certain that you can create a FileSet which takes a list of targets from the output of a script. You could use this feature to solve your problem by writing a very small script which used find and create a recursive directory list.

*checks the documentation*

Indeed, you can do this, see:

Something like this might do the trick (untested):

FileSet {
 Include {
   File = "| /proc"

Where is:

/usr/bin/find $1-type d

You could do this without the separate file, but its personal preference.
Thanks for the insight Dom, the option with the script could be viable but it wouldn't be the best solution.

I wrote this little script:

for f in `/bin/ls -1 /proc`; do
echo "/proc/$f"

Which worked fine, but as directories are created "on the fly" inside proc it can miss something.

I found I simpler way... (actually...a pretty logical one), it worked just fine....

FileSet {
       Name = "testproc"
       Include {
       Options {
               signature = MD5
               compression = GZIP
               wild = /proc/*
               wild = /tmp/*
               exclude = yes
       File = /
       File = /proc



I'd like to be able to backup /proc for instance and in case I need to
do a bare metal recovery I wouldn't need to create /proc manually.

I tried some wildcards but wasn't successful.

Any suggestions ?




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