Hello Radek,

On 9/2/22 11:49, Radosław Korzeniewski wrote:
Hello Eric,

Great job!

wt., 30 sie 2022 o 09:30 Eric Bollengier via Bacula-devel <
bacula-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> napisał(a):

2. Bacula Binaries
3. Windows Binaries
4. macOS Binaries

Just a sake of curiosity, in terms of Bacula Community migration to GitLab
- do you plan to introduce GitLab CI/CD for Bacula Community build, test
and deployment of up2date binaries?

For Windows binaries, I have the CI/CD that can do it and upload fresh binaries
after each commit.

For Linux and other binaries, the current procedure is automatized, but not
under gitlab, I'm not able right now to determine the amount of work needed
to convert or adapt the process we have today.

I'm also a bit concerned about the security, the runners used for the build
cannot be installed on untrusted systems, and when you have them, the gitlab
service (that is very exposed) has then a root access (by default) on all
systems configured with the  runners. Something is a bit strange in the
architecture by design. It's ok for tests, but for builds...

For sure, this is something interesting and we will check it.

Best Regards,

Bacula-devel mailing list

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