Dear All,

As a valued member of the Bacula Community and a user of either Git or Mantis
bug tracker for Bacula Community, we would like to inform you that we have
started to migrate your mantis account and issues to the new GitLab instance.

The Gitlab instance, like the git repository and Mantis bug tracker is hosted by
Bacula Systems in Switzerland. Our IT team will be migrating issues from Mantis
to GitLab and we will also redirect the old git repository to be centralized in
our GitLab.

During this migration, please do not create new issues on Gitlab.

If you **DO NOT** want us to create an account in the new system for you, please
reply to the welcome message and gitlab will record your opt-out.

Thank you for using Bacula and we look forward to seeing you in the new
Community Edition Gitlab shortly.

Best Regards,

Bacula-devel mailing list

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