You want to see unbridled rude criticism of a level that the upstream
developers will never ever experience?  Search for the word 'Microsoft' on a
FOSS website.

Dealing with criticism is simply part of the job and if (the hopefully few)
developers upsteam are taking offence then that is something they need to
deal with.  Users see software as, well, software and often do not account
for the developer behind it, it's a fact of life and once it is accepted you
can learn to pick the useful points out of even the most vitriolic posts.

I would much rather (as a dev) get mean comments with a nugget of truth than
pandering praise which ultimately serves no purpose.  Personally very rarely
is there ever such a thing as truly unconstructive criticism.

> On 29/08/2010 16:21, "Vishnoo" <> wrote:

> Backlash? Where? 
> Are we now considering the above mentioned blog as a representative of
> the whole Ubuntu community?
> Some of the comments there are often highly disrespectful to upstream
> GNOME authors and I have personally seen upstream authors take offense
> to the comments on that blog. [at times to the articles too] And had to
> say that those are not the views of the whole Ubuntu community.
> What worries me is that, if we consider those blog comments to be a
> representative of the whole Ubuntu community, then Upstream is justified
> at being offended.
> There is constructive criticism and there is just criticism/cynicism.
> Anonymity does not give a person the instant right to be rude.
> While it is easy for someone to make a passing comment about upstreams,
> it becomes a waste of time for people who have to interact with
> upstreams. 
> We could all be more productive if people spent half that time, they
> spend commenting, on something more useful.

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