Diego Elio Pettenò <flamee...@flameeyes.eu> writes:
> On 31/01/2013 20:58, Jack Kelly wrote:
>> IMHO, that seems like a great way to cause trouble for unsuspecting
>> users. (Anyone remember KDE4.0?) Can you expand on why you think it's a
>> good plan?
> Because unlike KDE, automake can put a big fat warning in the generated
> configure that says "You're using a version unsuitable for production",
> and then people would understand it much better.

Or at automake invocation time?

> KDE 4.0 was a screwup because there was no big fat warning, and users
> insisted to have it. No user _asks_ for automake.
>> Is there a system like X.beta1, X.beta2, ..., X.0 that is going to fit
>> the ordering system for most package managers? Bonus points if it works
>> in asciibetical order, too.
> Good luck finding one. Gentoo would be fine with X.Y_betaZ — but I
> honestly dislike X.Yb because that kind of stuff is usually _after_ X.Y
> for almost everything but autotools..

Fair points. +1 to calling the betas "X.0".

-- Jack

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