Hello Ralf,

* Ralf Hemmecke wrote on Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:30:21PM CET:
> I'm just reading the current FAQ under
> 1.3 Where can I get the latest versions of these tools?
> http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/faq/autotools-faq.html#Where-can-I-get-the-latest-versions-of-these-tools_003f
> Wouldn't it be useful to give a little script that installs
> know-good combinations (the latest version?) of all the autotools
> components in the users (developers) HOME?
> You probably can do
> https://github.com/hemmecke/flint2/blob/autotools/autotools.mk
> better than me, but it might be a first start.

is not as cool as your version, but provides roughly the same
functionality AFAICS.

I think either of these two improvements would be nice:

- having a list of known-good combinations of tool versions; having
  tested them extensively would be great, otherwise we might at least
  document some sort of minimal-version-requirement-table.
- a change that lets the script automatically install the most recent
  stable releases of each tool.


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