* Ralf Hemmecke wrote on Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:41:20PM CET:
> http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/faq/autotools-faq.html#How-do-I-add-a-question-to-this-FAQ_003f
> Do you think, it would be a good idea to just open up a git repo (on
> github.com, for example) and put the autotools-faq.texi file there?
> Or is there already a git repo for this?

Maybe.  It is currently in the web pages CVS, so an export from there
wouldn't be hard either.  The savannah page for automake shows how to
access the CVS (a patch to add that bit of info to the FAQ would be
welcome ;-)

I'm not sure if git is needed here (other than that it of course would
be nice if all webpage stuff was in git anyway), since I hope we don't
need diverging or long-time developments in the FAQ.  ;-)


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