Automake community: I would be very thankful for any advice on the following:
I have an embedded platform for which I override all the make rules by writing the make rules by hand in I have tested this out, and it works great, but because we have many unit tests, I have to copy and paste the rules over and over and over as we add unit tests. This is just getting unweildy if I ever have to adjust the rule a little bit. I want to figure out how I can have automake create the correct rules for my embedded platform for each item in bin_PROGRAMS. It is not a problem for me to modify scripts which are part of the Automake install, if that is the right solution. We currently use a customized Cygwin environment to build, and changes to this Cygwin environment will not affect the rest of my system in any way. I have looked through the index of autoconf macros, and I don't see anything directly applicable, and I don't think BUILT_SOURCES is what I am looking for either. My rules are copied at the end of the email. Also, the 3rd party libraries which I am linking have circular dependencies, and so I end up needing to use the --start-group and --end-group flags in the linker command line. I haven't been successful trying to figure out which libraries to list in what order, although I am getting closer. Automake complains if I put --start-group in networktest_LDFLAGS or in networktest_LDADD. Is it not possible to use this flag in without defining custom rules? And the very last thing, Automake 1.10 complains about the "$(shell pwd)" in my 'debugfile' definition in, but Automake 1.9.6 handles it just fine. Which one is confused or how should I write this? # --------------------------- # Describing file extensions. # --------------------------- EXEEXT=.bin DEBUG_EXT=.elf SYM_EXT=.sym # ----------------------------------- # For use in defining makefile rules. # ----------------------------------- FLASH=-flash GDB=-gdb TESTS = \ networktest serializetest inetaddresstest hosttest \ tcplistenertest tcpconnectiontest \ servertest udpservertest tcpservertest networklibtest bin_PROGRAMS = $(TESTS) # ------------------------------------ # Unit test of network.h / network.cpp # ------------------------------------ dist_networktest_SOURCES = \ $(top_srcdir)/../common/tests/network/networktest.cpp \ $(top_srcdir)/../$(ac_power_alert_platform_path)/src/utils/ulongiptosz.cpp \ $(top_srcdir)/../$(ac_power_alert_platform_path)/tests/main.cpp # From Makefile.appbuild.ns9215, additional code needs to be compiled. nodist_networktest_SOURCES= $(ac_netos_dir)/src/bsp/common/appconf_api.c networktest_INCLUDES = -include $(top_srcdir)/../common/tests/network/networktest.h networktest_CXXFLAGS = -W -Wall -Werror --pedantic -O0 -g \ -DTESTCLASS=NetworkTest $(networktest_INCLUDES) \ -Wno-variadic-macros networktest_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) networktest_LDADD = $(LDADD) # (... ) # --------------------------------------- # Use the NET OS linker scripts to build. # --------------------------------------- LINKER_SCRIPT_DIR=$(ac_netos_dir)/src/bsp/platforms/$(PLATFORM) LINK_CMD=$(LINKER_SCRIPT_DIR)/image.ld LINKOPT= -mbig-endian -nostartfiles -mcpu=arm9tdmi # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Additional objects are required for linking an application. # ----------------------------------------------------------- NETOS_CUST_OBJS=$(ac_netos_bspdir)/reset.o \ $(ac_netos_libdir)/memcpy.o # ------------------------------------------------------------- # The startfile is crt0.o. This defines our application start. # Only crt0.o is needed if your application is C. # For c++ define the other 4 files. You might otherwise see the # error: undefined symbol __dso_handle # ------------------------------------------------------------- STARTFILE=$(ac_netos_dir)/lib/32b/gnu/crt0.o \ $(ac_netos_dir)/lib/32b/gnu/crti.o \ $(ac_netos_dir)/lib/32b/gnu/crtbegin.o \ $(ac_netos_dir)/lib/32b/gnu/crtend.o \ $(ac_netos_dir)/lib/32b/gnu/crtn.o # --------------------------------------------------- # Define custom build rules for the executable files. # These are the definitions for the debug image. # More rules are needed to initialize the debugger. # --------------------------------------------------- networktest$(DEBUG_EXT): $(networktest_OBJECTS) $(networktest_DEPENDENCIES) $(CC) -o networktest$(DEBUG_EXT) $(networktest_OBJECTS) $(LINKOPT) \ -T $(LINK_CMD) $(NETOS_CUST_OBJS) $(STARTFILE) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) \ -Wl,--start-group $(APP_LIBS) $(LIBS) $(networktest_LDADD) -Wl,--end-group \ -Wl,--cref,-Map,networktest$(MAP_EXT) $(NM) -n networktest$(DEBUG_EXT) > networktest$(SYM_EXT) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define rules to make the *.bin images. This build rule is defined # in Makefile.appbuild.ns9215 as the target $(IMAGE_WITH_HEADER). # ------------------------------------------------------------------ networktest$(EXEEXT): networktest$(DEBUG_EXT) cp networktest$(DEBUG_EXT) networktest-monimage$(DEBUG_EXT) $(OBJCOPY) -Obinary networktest$(DEBUG_EXT) networktest$(ac_uncompress_ext) $(ac_netos_imgcompress) networktest$(ac_uncompress_ext) networktest$(ac_compress_ext) $(ac_netos_boothdr) $(ac_netos_imgheader_cfg) networktest$(ac_compress_ext) networktest$(EXEEXT) $(PLATFORM) $(ac_netos_l2b_endian) $(RM) networktest$(ac_compress_ext) ../../$(ac_netos_binpack) $(PLATFORM) $(ac_netos_ldscripts)/rom.bin networktest$(EXEEXT) mv rom.bin networktest$(EXEEXT) mv rom.bin.md5 networktest$(EXEEXT).md5 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Add the rules to create the GDB debugger files. The debugger # needs to have the information from each image, and it # expects that image to be named 'image.elf' # ------------------------------------------------------------ debugfile=$(shell pwd)/image.elf currentfile="`cygpath -a -w $(debugfile)`" gdbinit: echo $(currentfile) > .currentfile cp $(ac_netos_dir)/debugger_files/gdb$(PLATFORM).jlink ./.gdbinit echo source $(ac_netos_dir)/debugger_files/.gdbinit.threadx >> .gdbinit echo source $(ac_netos_dir)/debugger_files/.gdbinit.ns9215 >> .gdbinit echo source $(ac_netos_dir)/debugger_files/.gdbinit.eclipse >> .gdbinit echo "addresses-ns9215" >> .gdbinit echo "command-info" >> .gdbinit rm .currentfile networktest$(GDB): networktest$(DEBUG_EXT) $(RM) ./image.elf $(RM) ./.gdbinit cp networktest.elf image.elf make gdbinit echo "Please find the debug image at" $(debugfile) # ---------------------------------------------- # Create rules to make the images from the file. # This includes creating rom.bin and image.elf # from the desired executable targets. # ---------------------------------------------- releasefile=$(shell pwd)/rom$(EXEEXT) networktest$(FLASH): networktest$(GDB) networktest$(EXEEXT) $(RM) ./rom.bin $(RM) ./rom.bin.md5 mv networktest$(EXEEXT) rom$(EXEEXT) mv networktest$(EXEEXT).md5 rom$(EXEEXT).md5 echo "Please find the flash image at" $(releasefile)