On Oct 1, 2007, at 8:59 AM, NightStrike wrote:

On 9/30/07, Benoit SIGOURE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
several GNU projects (including autoconf) have moved to Git, is there
Just curious... why git over svn?
Instead of going in lengthy threads, I think you should simply read  
these threads:

AFAIK, one of the main reasons is that Git has a git-cvsserver (IOW, you can access the Git repository through a CVS server) which is useful to provide (mostly read-only) access to the repositories to legacy platforms where neither Git nor SVN is available. Another major reason is that Savannah added support for Git and not for SVN.
And, honestly, (my opinion here) Git fits better the needs of  
projects such as that of the FSF because everyone can very easily  
clone the entire history of a project and maintain their own patches  
(many people do that, at least during the time they're developing  
some features) and then submit them to the mailing lists for review  
by the (few) maintainers out there.  SVN just doesn't fit with this  
model.  And it has uberbroken branching/merging/tagging implementations.

Benoit Sigoure aka Tsuna
EPITA Research and Development Laboratory

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