Hello Benoit, all, * Benoit SIGOURE wrote on Sun, Sep 30, 2007 at 04:08:46PM CEST: > Hello, > several GNU projects (including autoconf) have moved to Git, is there > any similar plan for automake and libtool? Is anyone in charge of > this? Help needed?
Gary has had Libtool stuff in tla somewhere on <http://wiki.azazil.net/GnuLibtoolProject> but has mentioned using git for it eventually when savannah is ready or has already been using it, I don't remember. I am still not up to speed with git, but enjoy the helpful information threads on autoconf and bug-gnulib lists. It would really help me if at least a read-only CVS mirror is kept for a (long) while, because anoncvs checkouts do turn up on rarely-used systems. For Automake, Alexandre should be asked; FWIW my position is the same as for Libtool; but note that Automake CVS is currently not hosted on savannah. Cheers, Ralf