Ralf Wildenhues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> OK, so it generates Makefile's that are fully capable of handling the -j
>> switch to make?
> Mostly.  Problems should be reported, please include a copy of the make
> output of the failed build.

Hi Ralf,

On a related note, it'd sure be nice if "make -j4 check" would run its
tests in parallel.  Especially on an SMP system, and/or when some
tests sleep for a few (interminable :-) seconds.

Of course, this might not be trivial, especially trying to keep
the resulting Makefile.in portable.  However, even if it means
I'd need to use a special option to generate a GNU-make-only
Makefile.in, I'd happily use the result for day to day work.

Currently, the check-TESTS rule is just a big for-loop.
Recording pass, fail, xfail, and skip subtotals in parallel might
be a challenge, but I'd be happy to sacrifice those along
with portability, in return for parallelized tests.

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