Hi Jason,

* Jason Kraftcheck wrote on Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 09:42:09PM CET:
> I am working on the development of a set of libraries.  The core of the
> code is LGPL, but it includes several optional modules that require
> proprietary libraries.  The problem with the modules using proprietary
> libraries is that the company that owns those libraries requies a
> license agreement stating that we will not distribute any of our own
> code that includes any of their headers, calls any of their functions,
> etc. except to other licensees of their library.  So we'd like to
> distribute our library source both with and without our source for
> accessing the proprietary libraries.  So our source tree will have
> optinion subdirectories.  Is there any way to define things such that
> automake a) doesn't fail when it cannot find the Makefile.am and b)
> ignores entiries in the SUBDIRS (in the Makefile.am in the parent
> directory) for subdirs that do not exist?

Easiest would be to separate the stuff as good as possible, and make the
one part a subpackage (AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS).

Note this is only a technical advice and not a legal one.


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