
After I solved the problem with the .o files, i ran into the following problem. Currently my project is organized like this:

projectdir | +--Source | some.cpp |--Out | Makefile.am | Makefile.am

(One Makefile.am is in the Out directory so that all .o and .a files are placed there and the main Makefile.am in the root project dir which contains the line "SUBDIRS=Out" to recursively built the Makefile.am in Out)

This works fine. But unfortunately the autoconf/automake process creates a lot of output files (like the autom4te.cache folder etc.) which I don't want to have in my project root directory. It looks really ugly. So I tried to change to the following structure:

 |    some.cpp
 |    Makefile.am
     +--Linux Makefile.am

So I changed the SUBDIRS=out to SUBDIRS=../../out in the Makefile.am in the ProjectFiles/Linux folder. Automake complained about that (SUBDIRS should not contain '/'). The manual states that every directory listed in SUBDIRS must have the dir where Makefile.am is in as the parentdirectory. This is obviously not the case in my example above.

So what do I have to do in order to get a clean root project diretory (no files should be put there, all output should go into the ProjectFiles/Linux/ directory)?

Thank you for you help!

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