From: IETF Mail Server <> Subject: Your request IETF Directory and Database Mail Server 1.0 [optimus]
Request arrived - Thu Oct 24 23:34:14 EST Request processed - Processing mail headers ... Processing message contents... Command: --LMQ23Q57wb26T3s8s9Rpe460Xfu6f1pz ERROR> Command --LMQ23Q57WB26T3S8S9RPE460XFU6F1PZ is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: ------------------ Virus Warning Message (on ietf-mx) ERROR> Command ------------------ is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Rights.exe is of type executable and is removed. ERROR> Command RIGHTS.EXE is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Please contact your network administrator for further information. ERROR> Command PLEASE is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: --------------------------------------------------------- ERROR> Command --------------------------------------------------------- is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: --LMQ23Q57wb26T3s8s9Rpe460Xfu6f1pz ERROR> Command --LMQ23Q57WB26T3S8S9RPE460XFU6F1PZ is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: <HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY> ERROR> Command <HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY> is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: <iframe src=3Dcid:NmR61vs89992x height=3D0 width=3D0> ERROR> Command <IFRAME is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: </iframe> ERROR> Command </IFRAME> is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: <FONT></FONT></BODY></HTML> ERROR> Command <FONT></FONT></BODY></HTML> is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: --LMQ23Q57wb26T3s8s9Rpe460Xfu6f1pz ERROR> Command --LMQ23Q57WB26T3S8S9RPE460XFU6F1PZ is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: ------------------ Virus Warning Message (on ietf-mx) ERROR> Command ------------------ is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Rights.exe is removed from here because it is of type executable ERROR> Command RIGHTS.EXE is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: --------------------------------------------------------- ERROR> Command --------------------------------------------------------- is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: --LMQ23Q57wb26T3s8s9Rpe460Xfu6f1pz ERROR> Command --LMQ23Q57WB26T3S8S9RPE460XFU6F1PZ is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: name=goldmovie_sec2[1].jpg ERROR> Command NAME=GOLDMOVIE_SEC2[1].JPG is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAZABkAAD/7AARRHVja3kAAQAEAAAAMgAA/+4AIUFkb2JlAGTAAAAA ERROR> Command /9J/4AAQSKZJRGABAGAAZABKAAD/7AARRHVJA3KAAQAEAAAAMGAA/+4AIUFKB2JLAGTAAAAA is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: AQMAEAMDBgkAAAVcAAAGwwAACn//2wCEAAgGBgYGBggGBggMCAcIDA4KCAgKDhANDQ4NDRAR ERROR> Command AQMAEAMDBGKAAAVCAAAGWWAACN//2WCEAAGGBGYGBGGGBGGMCACIDA4KCAGKDHANDQ4NDRAR is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: DA4NDQ4MEQ8SExQTEg8YGBoaGBgjIiIiIycnJycnJycnJycBCQgICQoJCwkJCw4LDQsOEQ4O ERROR> Command DA4NDQ4MEQ8SEXQTEG8YGBOAGBGJIIIIIYCNJYCNJYCNJYCBCQGICQOJCWKJCW4LDQSOEQ4O is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Dg4REw0NDg0NExgRDw8PDxEYFhcUFBQXFhoaGBgaGiEhICEhJycnJycnJycnJ//CABEIAQEA ERROR> Command DG4REW0NDG0NEXGRDW8PDXEYFHCUFBQXFHOAGBGAGIEHICEHJYCNJYCNJYCNJ//CABEIAQEA is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: zwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xACzAAEBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQEDBAIGBwEBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAA ERROR> Command ZWMBIGACEQEDEQH/XACZAAEBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQEDBAIGBWEBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAA is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: AAAAAAECAwQFBhAAAgEDBAEDBQEAAAAAAAAAAQIDADARIDESMkAQEwQhQSIjM0IRAAECBAcB ERROR> Command AAAAAAECAWQFBHAAAGEDBAEDBQEAAAAAAAAAAQIDADARIDESMKAQEWQHQSIJM0IRAAECBACB is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: AAMAAAAAAAAAAAEAETAhcQIQIEAxQVESYYGRIhIBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAECEwEAAQIF ERROR> Command AAMAAAAAAAAAAAEAETAHCQIQIEAXQVESYYGRIHIBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAECEWEAAQIF is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: BAMBAQEAAAAAAAABEQAxIDAhQXEQUaGxQGGBkcHR/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAAAD9EHvfTG3VEBMg ERROR> Command BAMBAQEAAAAAAAABEQAXIDAHQXEQUAGXQGGBKCHR/9OADAMBAAIRAXEAAAD9EHVFTG3VEBMG is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: HJ1gAAGiZYmTbs6efoioAADOMxFWTXkZYBt0OXq5yZSl17X3CtAAAAAADn6BnGYitIryMsA2 ERROR> Command HJ1GAAGIZYMTBS6EFOIOAADOMXFWTXKZYBT0OXQ5YZSL17X3CTAAAAAADN6BNGYITIRYMSA2 is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: 6GvYNWdgAAAAAAefXCclCX02vUcCtfppFeRjzBt0AAAAGBkAADTuwTdnemYlLj65n6GRXkc/ ERROR> Command 6GVYNWDGAAAAAAEFXCCLCX02VUCCTFPPFERJZBT0AAAAGBKAADTUWTDNEMYLLJ65N6GRXKC/ is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: KG3QAABwuqPa22lH2psOforQAAADTvxlFaRXkY4Bt0AAAeJNhMxKOdydgioAAADPn1EVpFeR ERROR> Command KG3QAABWUQPA22LH2PSOFORQAAADTVXLFARXKY4BT0AAAEJNHMXKODYDGIOAAADPN1EVPFER is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: lgG3QAAAAA1+JczbatsQAABzeMz5t9dM7eLDmDbcADj94mWtW3yqsQER41dA8ewAAA0TrGqZ ERROR> Command LGG3QAAAAA1+JCZBATSQAABZEMZ5T9DM7ELDMDBCADJ94MWTW3YQSQER41DA8EWAAA0TRGQZ is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: pcVeRhzhtuABxcVrkm3J37soCIAAAHg9sZGebpK0ivIx5w26AAAAAAABg8yd3La/ZRm0orGs ERROR> Command PCVERHZHTUABXCVRKM3J37SOCIAAAHG9SZGEBPK0IVIX5W26AAAAAAABG8YD3LA/ZRM0ORGS is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: RemZ+pkV5HPyht0AAAAAAAAOHuGncEuh7FiRXkY84bdAAAAAAABjIAAzjMRWkV5GWAbdAAAA ERROR> Command REMZ+PKV5HPYHT0AAAAAAAAOHUGNCEUH7FIRXKY84BDAAAAAAABJIAAZJMRWKV5GWABDAAAA is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: AAAnHvuh1ptuEVAZxmIrSK8jLANugAYMeplJOQgABPoaUyKnnpmfQioDOMxFaRXkZYBt0AYk ERROR> Command AAANHVUH1PTUEVAZXMIRSK8JLANUGAYMEPLJOQGABPOAUYKNNPMFQIODOMXFARXKZYBT0AYK is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: 1pM200Z1OZ6hWgAAAAAHNtkdk2+nj1eLn5Ocb9IGMehzbvYAAAAAAAlUS1qG05eOcOjqAAAA ERROR> Command 1PM200Z1OZ6HWGAAAAAHNTKDK2+NJ1ELN5OCB9IGMEHZBVYAAAAAAALUS1QG05EOCOJQAAAA is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: AAAAAA//2gAIAQIAAQUBvLdS6lw0l1LqXVurdS4aS6l1LqXU9RaXe5/q3//aAAgBAwABBQGw ERROR> Command AAAAAA//2GAIAQIAAQUBVLDS6LW0L1LQXVURDS4AS6L1LQXU9RAXE5/Q3//AAAGBAWABBQGW is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: NSeptJcxSW80aS6l1NeNP2Te4mjNZsJaFGjSXUupZOhLqeoo2MUna2a/3b//2gAIAQEAAQUB ERROR> Command NSEPTJCXSW80AS6L1NENP2TE4MJNZSJAFGJSXUUPZOHLQEOO2MUNA2A/3B//2GAIAQEAAQUB is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: 8CRylcjyiZ2tBCRpifLazssLsIgyiwN1H4aJJQlBipidn8Ibr00SqClREFLyvl/Qbr00OvJR ERROR> Command 8CRYLCJYIZ2TBCRPIFLAZSSLSIGYIWN1H4AJJQLBIPIDN8IBR00SQCLREFLYVL/QBR00OVJR is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: GoCqFvFgtcsOJkIobr08SWI+kaApQIyvTxJf5pCWCxutNOa+OCzr08du3xscV6WXeSMj5FPI ERROR> Command GOCQFVFGTCSOJKIOBR08SWI+KAAPQIYVTXJF5PCWCXUTNOA+OCZR08DU3XSCV6WXESMJ5FPI is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: XqPpaWMu0UbIy9LLKGBGDSyOtRs7Wo140N16WWPFQjtRGDCi8bY3Xpblj5BBhbY3XpeVw1nI ERROR> Command XQPPAWMU0UBIY9LLKGBGDSYOTRS7WO140N16WWPFQJTRGDCI8BY3XPBLJ5BBHBY3XPEVW1NI is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: FDdel2RnUBipTkRrnH4RTVG4ZNcxZCkytXupn1Ycl9lMKvEa5nAA3+Nj29c5HCocc7rRI1cT ERROR> Command FDDEL2RNUBIPTKRRNH4RTVG4ZNCXZCKYTXUPN1YCL9LMKVEA5NAA3+NJ29C5HCOCC7RRI1CT is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: 7kcbCPW0LMWXiVhdqjVlF1U/YvSxJHye2GB0DdenhswUByrR5kenk4kbr08I5w8cuagbBpzl ERROR> Command 7KCBCPW0LMWXIVHDQJVLF1U/YVSXJHYE2GB0DDENHSWUBYRR5KENK4KBR08I5W8CUAGBBPZL is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: 0OaXp4gi/b7SejdoVkyn8/HkjKmH6qvTyFAWl6eQN16eDI/7NQ3Xp4ErSK33SQPqG69NZIFm ERROR> Command 0OAXP4GI/B7SEJDOVKYN8/HKJKMH6QVTYFAWL6EQN16EDI/7NQ3XP4ERSK33SQPQG69NZIFM is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: dvrSRBdQ3XprmfLDbX7aZlizQ20jdemkjIdSjVFKD4A3Xpqdi7UkSYvGZBUb86jGV070ABUk ERROR> Command DVRSRBDQ3XPRMFLDBX7AZLIZQ20JDEMKJIDSJVFKD4A3XPQDI7UKSYVGZBUB86JGV070ABUK is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: QekyFvN2il4iFqmTg/jJ/YVFXyevjf/aAAgBAgIGPwFqtWrVq1atWrVq1atWxYn/2gAIAQMC ERROR> Command QEKYFVN2IL4IFQMTG/JJ/YVFXYEVJF/AAAGBAGIGPWFQTWRVQ1ATWRVQ1ATWXYN/2GAIAQMC is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Bj8BarVq1atXS1atWrVq1bFif//aAAgBAQEGPwHQbOvXKciUJ81w+uIBT7VXm7jaEaZW5Tjd ERROR> Command BJ8BARVQ1ATXS1ATWRVQ1BFIF//AAAGBAQEGPWHQBOVXKCIUJ81W+UIBT7VXM7JAEAZW5TJD is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: TH50d1MpJ4wDR7rf1kupl8ryyLcxnK9ZLqaX2MLrjwDgArqaUpzJG3i4M6YCfa9lXU1BUvyr ERROR> Command TH50D1MPJ4WDR7RF1KUPL8RYYLCXNK9ZLQAX2MLRJWDGARQAUPZJG3I4M6YCFA9LXU1BUVYR is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: qQuxwphfOkIZ+LeSupCYpsGBX9CUI9nC6kIlSCYr0ROLdSI43QEW6kcjqHdSN/Il2nG6e6BR ERROR> Command QQUXWPHFOKIZ+LESUPCYPSGBX9CUI9NC6KILSCYR0ROLDSI43QEW6KCJQHDSN/IL2NG6E6BR is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Nerm6gC8KcimE8hHaZkw2geeSgru2gMd+MJxn5Xn6rqGA7ryU6a4vGN/6V1IIPHMQgcZbqaR ERROR> Command NERM6GC8KCIME8HHAZKW2GEESGRU2GMD+MJXN5XN6RQGA7RYU6A4VGN/6V1IIPHMQGCZBQAR is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: yvQT3cYADnfC6mjlunM8G7wJQKuppS4/lOzUwKBt2V1NQ+4VqupqWCupqrqaK0dQLqaHeXCd ERROR> Command YVQT3CYADNFC6MJLUNM8G7WJQKUPPS4/LOZUWKBT2V1NQ+4VQUPQWCUPQRQAK0DQLQAHEXCD is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: fes91IDmD56wfc57qQGGwgu009u6Ge6mZk2Hm6Whupnf9YA76CQRHzPIJxugDHKFpH5wPRmN ERROR> Command FES91IDMD56WFC57QQGGWGU009U6GE6MZK2HM6WHUPNF9YA76CQRHZPIJXUGDHKFPH5WPRMN is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Vbp//9oACAECAwE/EKEbdXAU4Gr+Z0Kclq7mZRTFJozV3My5qyruZhIaTE1dzMIxS6Ym1Xcz ERROR> Command VBP//9OACAECAWE/EKEBDXAU4GR+Z0KCLQ7MZRTFJOZV3MY5QYRUZHIATE1DZMIXS6YM1XCZ is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: GGGNKv5mAJKTpOGdGnrzwDS421XczKCmhpV3Myp6LpV3MzGruZkBSdWruZgjAUvVq7mYDGQm ERROR> Command GGGNKV5MAJKTPOGDGNRZWDS421XCZKCMHPV3MYP6LPV3MZGRUZKBSDWRUZGJAUVVQ7MYDGQM is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: mlOGb64JyGn3Zn//2gAIAQMDAT8QoRtt1SMEIpvgbVfzOhfWrMltV/M6zjCkN6dCtX8zLlUI ERROR> Command MLOGB64JYGN3ZN//2GAIAQMDAT8QORTT1SMEIPVGBVFZOHFWRMLTV/M6ZJCKN6DCTX8ZLLUI is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Sr+ZhIdqSSCnC71fzMIxS6Ym1X8zGSMIbq8gwBJSR0lwzo8UpeZgO6mWNNKv5mUDmrqElX8z ERROR> Command SR+ZHIDQSSCNC71FZMIXS6YM1X8ZGSMIBQ8GWBJSR0LWZO8UPEZGO6MWNNKV5MUDMRQELX8Z is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: KGOiyVfzMxtV/MyAmhodW1X8zAkBgGKXTTq2q/mYEN8h0aUoVvqfmCdIyT5n1mf/2gAIAQED ERROR> Command KGOIYVFZMXTV/MYAMHODW1X8ZAKBGGKXTTQ2Q/MYEN8H0AUOVVQFMCDIYT5N1MF/2GAIAQED is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: AT8Q+AJI/tsUpHpKaFRGxsr8BCY+7+mQwZ1gWKUaBsbqQlG53MmxRzxu9YVEk/yURaBQSxB/ ERROR> Command AT8Q+AJI/TSUPHPKAFRGXSR8BCY+7+MQWZ1GWKUABSBQQLG53MMXRZXU9YVEK/YURABQSXB/ is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: T8K1XnPWEoNRo71rekMRBCHfPnXb0v1tV5z1hZgxMa/tRcE3netnRTGcVLBQ4N5mlDKITD0t ERROR> Command T8K1XNPWEONRO71REKMRBCHFPNXB0V1TV5Z1HZGXMA/TRCE3NETNRTGCVLBQ4N5MLDKITD0T is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: V5z18VirO6P+dNSZAHbS/QTHVdCvOeviqPtI/tSx12KbYlEFpi9RmNJNVIdWLL3a856zFAl0 ERROR> Command V5Z18VIRO6P+DNSZAHBS/QTHVDCVOEVIQPTI/TSX12KBYLEFPI9RMNJNVIDWLL3A856ZFAL0 is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: C7QiSWchBIST76+Q0kC4aec9ZTGWW59Uf/NrT3TaKU8eWDjAmV5o+oVo15z1lO/ye1M24k6Q ERROR> Command C7QISWCHBIST76+Q0KC4AEC9ZTGWW59UF/NRT3TAKU8EWDJAMV5O+OVO15Z1LO/YE1M24K6Q is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Gi2K1ITY2f5lQk3Ff8q1XnPWV9YlIqrvbTWkYIS9QkhbuZarznrKQSEk+6gLVp3p80zxCGpm ERROR> Command GI2K1ITY2F5LQK3FF8Q1XNPWV9YLIQRVBTWKYIS9QKHBUZARZNRKQSEK+6GLVP3P80ZXCGPM is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Wq856z0Cu4clgSxOhVqvOes5Aig3f5U9o7uaZYZdSMiRu6GjYuFnvRAN+v5kIT9JtQOqK42q ERROR> Command WQ856Z0CU4CLGSXOHVQVOES5AIG3F5U9O7UAZYZDSMIRU6GJYUFNVRAN+V5KIT9JTQOQK42Q is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: QNJY0MDgsWTQcku6utFNLsHbIcnXwdIOWesgO4WcdNGuItPfOUUIro0aSSkCnQQdJ/OMhmzr ERROR> Command QNJY0MDGSWTQCKU6UTFNLSHBICNXWDIOWESGO4WCDNGUITPFOUUIRO0ASSKCNQQDJ/OMHMZR is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: Y+qZ9RN+9AAAGytQYDbOMZvH/Vec9ZKlH28UAEGgWy2UaqEqQv1tV5z18RIsFMbjM05tJq/e ERROR> Command Y+QZ9RN+9AAAGYTQYDBOMZVH/VEC9ZKLH28UAEGGWY2UAQEQQV1TV5Z18RISFMBJM05TJQ/E is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: m95H4q1XnPXw9RKNi0pfz1CaUSvi/Z0VC8vigIajFec9fFmXQanZmlUEgzOjp5D7ohEbps15 ERROR> Command M95H4Q1XNPXW9RKNI0PFZ1CAUSVI/Z0VC8VIGIAJFEC9FFMXQANZMLUEGZOJP5D7OHEBPS15 is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: D18h4dXftPelK+o/lec9fIQSHUpwGCbV5z18KQvvjtV5z18KYtmTzjtV5z18FETHrSVk1b/t ERROR> Command D18H4DXFTPELK+O/LEC9FIQSHUPWGCBV5Z18KQVVJTV5Z18KYTMTZJTV5Z18FETHRSVK1B/T is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: FaaC+JarznrIFkgySQfs8tbxT4+XFarznrI3aXzSkPcMjWOSZZ1oTHAuFmp6xDBJitV5z1iB ERROR> Command FAAC+JARZNRIFKGYSQFS8TBXT4+XFARZNRI3AXZSKPCMJWOSZZ1OTHAUFMP6XDBJITV5Z1IB is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: FZ0poli4zcrntQhqAgdn4FqvOesSgK2L0zApYHakRhNS40ZJJB1tnywzJciicoAxLvX2Ijxi ERROR> Command FZ0POLI4ZCRNTQHQAGDN4FQVOESSGK2L0ZAPYHAKRHNS40ZJJB1TNYWZJCIICOAXLVX2IJXI is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: QCJI3KswcFEQR39+aARCEOf5D7ooDDZ/tGglmk0WpJ9Px73707a9v4//2T== ERROR> Command QCJI3KSWCFEQR39+AARCEOF5D7OODDZ/TGGLMK0WPJ9PX73707A9V4//2T== is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Command: --LMQ23Q57wb26T3s8s9Rpe460Xfu6f1pz-- ERROR> Command --LMQ23Q57WB26T3S8S9RPE460XFU6F1PZ-- is not defined ERROR> If you are unsure of command syntax or usage, send another message ERROR> to this mail server containing the help command. Number of errors detected = 67. Mail server completed processing message contents Server general info: - The mail server ignores the Subject: field in the message header - Commands are case insensitive, parameters are case-sensitive - Each command should be entered on a separate line - The following is a list of mail server commands and corresponding arguments (the commands are always the first word with the '/' indicating a choice of synonyms): 1) help 2) ls/dir path[, path, ...] 3) file path[, path, ...] 4) limit value_of_max_msg_unit_size 5) encoding type(default, mime, uuencode or btoa)[, mandatory] 6) return-to/path return_address_or_route 7) begin 8) end/exit - The mail server imposes the following service controls: - limits a user message to 15 queries and file transfer requests - limits the information returned by file transfer to 500K bytes - limits message processing to 15 seconds When a service control is exceeded, the response to that point is returned - The files available through the "file" command are the same files that can be retrieved via anonymous ftp to Suggestions and problems can be directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thank you for using the IETF Directory & Database Mail Server