> From: Martin Frydl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 19:03:52 +0100

> I've created a patch which is aware of M4 problem and separates the
> task into two expressions - first removes the terminating space,
> then strips the leading one and puts brackets around.

Thanks for the detailed bug report, and for the patch.
I installed the following patch instead; it's a bit more conservative.

2002-12-02  Paul Eggert  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * bin/autom4te.in (handle_traces): [^ *\(.*\) *$] ->
        [^ *\(.*[^ ]\)? *].  The old regular expression was obviously wrong,
        and it blunders into a GNU m4 bug as noted by Martin Frydl in

Index: autom4te.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/autoconf/autoconf/bin/autom4te.in,v
retrieving revision 1.77
retrieving revision 1.78
diff -p -u -r1.77 -r1.78
--- autom4te.in 31 Oct 2002 08:37:20 -0000      1.77
+++ autom4te.in 3 Dec 2002 06:51:15 -0000       1.78
@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ sub handle_traces ($$%)
   [at_patsubst(at_patsubst(at_patsubst([[[$1]]], [\\\n]),
                            [[\n\t ]+], [ ]),
-               [^ *\(.*\) *$], [[\1]])])
+               [^ *\(.*[^ ]\)? *], [[\1]])])
   define([at_args],    [at_shift(at_shift(at_shift(at_shift(at_shift($@)))))])
   define([at_at],      [_$0([$1], at_args($@))])

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