> Christophe, I've read your message: > http://mail.gnu.org/pipermail/automake/2001-November/009851.html > > I'm very interested in your work. > I hope AUTOPACK branch is established in automake CVS repository. > Any objection?
I won't object to it for sure ! But the decision isn't mine. > > So I started with RPM, a one I'm practicing a lot these days. Michael > > Sweet's EPM packager may have been a much better choice. > > Great idea. > > How could I contribute? At least in two ways: 1) if you've some time in your hands (ok, I know you don't. Neither do I !), give it a try and tell me anything that may have went wrong; 2) Also tell what you think may be interesting to add or change. > Should I send a bug report if I found a bug in autopack? Sure ! > Masatake YAMATO -- Christophe Tronche [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://tronche.com/