I've tried autopack. 
I got a rpm for autotrace(http://autotrace.sourceforge.net)!
Really nice.

Some comments.

1. Is is hard to apply a patch. We need a common repository anyway.

   --- original patch ---
   sub handle_packager {
       if ($relative_dir eq '.') {
              &require_file ('', $FOREIGN, 'packager-helper');
                      if ($options{'package-rpm'}) {
                             $output_rules .= &file_contents ('rpm');
    --- end ---
    I don't know perl syntax but...
    1.1 $FOREIGN should be FOREIGN now.
    1.2 &require_file - > require_file?

2. limits of M4 or perl syntax

Following AP_INIT_AUTOPACK statement gets a error: unblanced "'".

    AP_INIT_AUTOPACK([Program for converting bitmaps to vector graphics],
    Masatake YAMATO<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with Christophe Tronche's autopack patch,
dnl                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [AutoTrace is a program for converting bitmaps to vector graphics. The
    aim of the AutoTrace project is the development of a freely-available
    application similar to CorelTrace or Adobe Streamline. In some
    aspects it is already better. Originally being created as a plugin
    for the GIMP, AutoTrace is now a standalone program and can be
    compiled on any UNIX platform using GCC.])
This is a bug or a spec?

3. scripts are not handled. Apply following patch:

Index: lib/am/scripts.am
RCS file: /cvs/automake/automake/lib/am/scripts.am,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -r1.42 scripts.am
--- scripts.am  2001/04/09 14:23:09     1.42
+++ scripts.am  2001/11/11 17:59:22
@@ -43,6 +43,16 @@
 endif %?INSTALL%
+## ----------------------------- ##
+## Listing what gets installed.  ##
+## ----------------------------- ##
+if %?INSTALL%
+.PHONY list-install-am: list-install-%DIR%SCRIPTS
+       @list='$(%DIR%_SCRIPTS)'; for p in $$list; do \
+               echo $(DESTDIR)$(%NDIR%dir)/$$p; \
+       done 1>&2
+endif %?INSTALL%
 ## -------------- ##
 ## Uninstalling.  ##

4. epm
We should provide epm target, too.

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