On Monday 07 May 2001 12:38 am, Tom Tromey wrote:
> >>>>> "Gary" == Gary V Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Gary> I guess that it might be advantageous to have a call for
> Gary> bugfixes email incase there are any other pet bugfixes people
> Gary> might like backported to a stable release (the automake
> Gary> --add-missing copy failed warning bug springs to mind here)...
> I think there are 3:
> * the copy bug you mention
> * the missing `d' bug in `make dist'
> * the missing `$' bug in texinfos.am
> These three seem to be reported frequently.
> Check the recent bug-automake archives to see the last two patches.
> The `d' patch is reported a lot -- more than once a month.
I have created a `branch-1-4' tag rooted at the `Release-1-4' tag, and
backported each of the changes you list above, plus the code to handle
different versions of libtoolize gracefully into this new branch.
I also backported the version fork identifier patch, bumped the version to
1.4-p1, and regenerated the relevant files. The test suite passes, and the
result seems to be working well in a couple of my project trees.
Let me know if you are happy with the results (or if there are any other
obvious fixes you would prefer to apply first) and I will roll up the release
and put it up on ftp.gnu.org.
())_. Gary V. Vaughan gary@(oranda.demon.co.uk|gnu.org)
( '/ Research Scientist http://www.oranda.demon.co.uk ,_())____
/ )= GNU Hacker http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool \' `&
`(_~)_ Tech' Author http://sources.redhat.com/autobook =`---d__/