>>>>> "Adam" == Adam C Powell IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Adam> configure.in and Makefile.am are attached, they're relatively
Adam> simple as these things go. If you run Debian (unstable), having
Adam> petsc-dev installed should make it all work. Note again that
Adam> PETSC_INCLUDE comes through just fine, but PETSC_TS_LIB does
Adam> not. (Upstream uses the curly braces, I tried both styles and
Adam> neither works as you can see below.)
`include' in automake is a compile-time include, not a runtime
I'm a bit suprised automake doesn't complain when it gets to the
include, since I don't see how it could find this file.
Adam> include $(PETSC_DIR)/bmake/$(PETSC_ARCH)/base
One ugly hack would be to define PETSC_TS_LIB before the include
(empty would be fine) and then use ` include' -- the leading space
will probably fool automake.
I don't recommend this. It might break in the future.