
(I can't get automake-request to work, sent it the same subscribe request I
used a year ago but it bounced...)

I'm linking with a package whose upstream uses a non-standard "configuration"
scheme involving including local makefiles.  So for example, I put in my

include $(PETSC_DIR)/bmake/$(PETSC_ARCH)/base
chts_LDADD     = ${PETSC_TS_LIB}

and PETSC_INCLUDE and PETSC_TS_LIB are defined in that base file (or in
something included by that base file).  Yes, I know this is not standard
GNU behavior, but upstream insists on it, and they're being very good about
freedom of their code and responsive to help/bug requests, good citizens
otherwise, etc.

Trouble is, automake throws an error because PETSC_TS_LIB is not defined.
Well, it generates the, and builds and runs just fine, but it
breaks make distcheck.  Funny thing is, it doesn't throw the error for

So the question is, is there an automake-kosher way to include a foreign
makefile, or specify that certain variables will be somehow defined elsewhere,
not in or

Thanks, (and please cc me on all replies)

-Adam P.

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