On 12 Jan 2001, Tom Tromey wrote:
> I do think it would be useful. However it seems that most package
> maintainers are not also the package developers. And, most package
> maintainers only develop for a single platform.
I'm not sure this is true... I know for the software I write, I also
created the packages, and this seems to be the case for many of the people
floating around such places as sourceforge and freshmeat.
> Rusty> - As an end user who builds & installs software on my own
> Rusty> systems, I would rather build & install a package appropriate
> Rusty> to my system than "make install".
> That's interesting. I don't hear that much!
Be reassured, most of the system admins I know do it this way...
> Anyway I think the big problem is sub-package breakdown. Maybe this
> is solveable. I'm willing to put patches into automake that help with
> `autopackage'.
> The automake-related idea I had was that installable objects would be
> marked by the sub-package they belong to. Something like:
> lib_LIBRARIES = libfoo.a
> devel_header_HEADERS = foo/foo.h
Why don;t you just have some different primaries? Like, for instance:
rpm_PROGRAMS = foo
foo_SOURCES = foo.c wibble.c hamster.c
I guess this means if you want a DEB as well, then you would have:
deb_PROGRAMS = foo
PS: Nice book, I might one day finish reading it if I can find the time...
Michael Still ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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"To read makes our speaking english good" -- Xander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer in "I
Robot, You Jane"