>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Tromey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anyway I think the big problem is sub-package breakdown.  Maybe this
> is solveable.  I'm willing to put patches into automake that help with
> `autopackage'.

> The automake-related idea I had was that installable objects would be
> marked by the sub-package they belong to.  Something like:

>     lib_LIBRARIES = libfoo.a
>     devel_header_HEADERS = foo/foo.h

I have been thinking about this too. Installable objects should have a
package prefix. We can also have a global variable called PACKAGES or
something like that, so that automake can generate install targets

This would make multiple packages from a single source very easy to
implement. For example, even though Debian has ways to handle multi-package
sources, it's mostly manual; you do a normal install and then *move* the
files into the required package sub-directories.


R. Ganesan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])       | Ph: 91-80-5721856 Ext: 2149
Novell India Development Center.       | #include <std_disclaimer.h>

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